About Me

My Name is Giwansh Aryan and I'm studying at Amrita University pursuing my BTECh degree in CSE. and I'm in batch of 2019-2023. I come from non-computer background so start was very difficult for me to learn every thing but soon after learning It's becoming more fun and the experience is also amazing as day by day passes I face new challenges but Love to Explore them and find solution for my every problem i belive in learning every bit of whatever you have been assigned and work hard on it even ifyou face so much trouble in it

Languages & frameworks Known

These are the langauges that i have used for my projects and i have knowledge about

  • Python

    Python is the first language that i have learnt so far.It is also open source Community Development.and it has good Productivity and Speed.

  • HTML

    HTML is very important language for web development.also HTML is supported by all browsers,Html is simple to edit.Html can integrate Easily with other Languages

  • CSS

    CSS is used for designing webpages i also learned this language.CSS is Easier to maintain and update,It has more Formatting options

  • Django

    I have learned django framework as it is based on python and is easy to learn and use,It also provides robust security features

  • C

    I have also learned C language as C is middle level language C combines the featres of both high level and low level langauges

  • JavaScript

    I have learned javascript as JavaScript is a client scripting language which is used for creating web pages.It is a standalone language developed in Netscape.
